The core of Add.apt is architecture. Our solutions are driven by the big problems. This is why we have a strong focus on building an understanding of the environment through research. This information is used to build digital simulations that inform our design. We build architecture that is conscious of itself, environmentally intelligent, and responsive to the community it serves. We do not problem solve simply through the transformation of mass, but the transformation of self grounded in strong ideologies. Here the architect becomes the activist.
As designers we appreciate the beautiful process of form explorations from the macro to the micro-scale, thus our deep focus on material design. Our products are developed through progressively complex prototyping. The decline of craft in our locale [Nigeria], has inspired us to create a workshop open to designers for the exploration of various types of fabrication. We're focused on answering what "sustainability" means for a precolonial context, therefore we challenge our systematic dependence on incompatible resources through our material research lab.
Countries like Nigeria are lacking in this department. Most of our accessible data is created by generous foreign organizations. While this data is pertinent to the urban research of what our city is, there is a large gap in data that can tell us why our city is. This kind of data is built on mapping how our cities are utilized. We hope to build this up through collection as well as visualization because communication is a vital step. The more we build this digital clone of our environment, the easier we can identify patterns and design for us rather than against us. And we're sharing it all.

An installation for the Sharjah Architecture Triennial; The Beauty of Impermanence.

Sustainable Carpentry Workshop

The organic digestion of polystyrene

An installation for the Sharjah Architecture Triennial; The Beauty of Impermanence.